Thomas Video Blog

A very important video blog from Starla and Me.

Posted by Paul

Historic Day

I can’t tell you how excited I am to see tonight’s results.  This could be one of the most historic days in American History.  Unfortunately I am very sick today, but there will still be much celebration if Obama wins.

Posted by Paul

How Dayton and Obama are similar

I know this post is kind of silly, but I have been thinking about how Obama’s life story seems so real to me.  The reality of his story is evident to me because we share a similar family history.

  • Both raised in single parent homes.  My father left when I was three, and in similar fashion to Obama, I feel like I was shaped more by him not being there.
  • Mixed Racial Heritage.  My mother was white, and my father was Hispanic.  The name on my birth certificate is Paul Benitez, which clearly identifies my Hispanic roots.  When I was 12, years after the my mother’s divorce, we changed my name to the present Paul Jones Dayton.  Dayton was my mother’s maiden name, while Jones was my grandmother’s maiden name.
  • Close relationship with grandmother.  My grandma was like a second mom, or in some ways, similar to a father.
Posted by Paul in Personal, Politics, US Politics

Obama raises more money in Utah than McCain

What is going on, this is awesome.  Even though folks in Utah will not support Obama in the election, it is awesome to see that more presidential political donations, in terms of dollars, are going towards Obama.  Utah is making me proud in its own way.

The Salt Lake Tribune has an interesting application that allows you to search for donations to the Presidential candidates here.

Posted by Paul in Politics, US Politics, Utah Politics

Democrats at BYU

While I am sure that most folk at Brigham Young University love the GOP, it is interesting to note that the College Republicans and Democrats at BYU have roughly the same number of members.  Is this change we can believe in?

Posted by Paul

My wife brokers a deal with McCain

The McCain campaign sent me a letter today asking for money.  While I have been a regular donor to Barak Obama’s campaign, I have not considered donating to McCain.  Sweet Mandy was looking out for John by donating the following:

Posted by Paul in Politics, US Politics

Snow on the front

Snow days are here in the Wasatch Front.

Posted by Paul

Too Connected

Sadly there are times when I stay too connected to the world.  Mandy took this picture of me on a typical weekend, note the iPhone and the Mac.  Sometimes breakfast just can’t wait.

Posted by Paul in Personal

Mormon Repellent

While I have not seen any scientific studies I am going to assume that Barack Obama is not very popular in my hometown of Spanish Fork.  As such, I must post the question, am I turning people away from myself by posting my support of the Senator from Illinois in front of my house?

What about if I put the an Obama sticker on my vehicle?  Do you think the Spanish Fork folk will give me at least a couple cudos if the sticker is on a truck?

The Barack Obama sign in front of my Spanish Fork Utah house.
The Barack Obama sign in front of my Spanish Fork Utah house.
Trucks are essential to the Spanish Fork way of life.

Trucks are essential to the Spanish Fork way of life.

Posted by Paul in Politics, US Politics, Utah Politics