I am really tired, but I needed to mention this before it becomes irrelevant. I hate standard time, I hate it like a liberal hates Glenn Beck. I can’t stand getting off of work and it being dark — virtually regardless of what time I leave.
School District will let kids listen to Obama
In a story covered by the New York Times my local school district has reversed course and will allow the innocent children in south Utah county to watch Obama’s speech. Never-mind the fact that students will be watching President Obama’s address over a week after it originally aired. No thanks to Superintendent Chris Sorensen for getting caught up in mass hysteria.
Nebo School District Alternative Activities
This morning I was very shocked and surprised to see this story from KSL. Aparently we can’t show a speech by the President in the United States without contraversy.
I wrote the following to Chris Sorensen, the district superintendent. I look forward to a frank response.
I just spoke with Lana about the district’s decision not to show President Obama’s speech. She explained that the speech would not be shown because the district was unable to provide alternative activities and notification to the parents in time for the speech on Tuesday.
I find it very strange that we need to have alternative activities for a Presidential speech. It is not like this is an issue with moral implications. The simple fact that our community does not support the president politically is not a justification for such controversy. When I was attending Payson High School Chris Cannon spoke to students. No alternative activities were required during this speech.
I would like to know what the criterion are for an event requiring the district to provide alternative activities. Lana mentioned that permission is required for the maturation program (which I believe makes sense) but a Presidential speech will not have anything to do with sex.
Thank you for your time and I look forward to your response.
Paul Dayton
Best wife in the world

Best family ever.
I really do have the best wife in the world. Mandy Lee Dayton is awesome. She takes care of two very wonderful children — makes sure that their needs are met in every possible way, teaches them how to be good children, and has the most genuine love for them. Mandy also loves me dearly.
We are two perfect oposites, which makes our relationship rich and exciting. She puts up with my crazy schedule, excessive work hours, and quirky ways.
Thank you Mandy for all that you do, and thanks for making me happy.
God Bless the people in Iran. The human spirit is alive and well in an oppressive nation.
Daytons on Sunday
Star Trek was very good
Maybe it was the 7 year wait for a new movie that made me enjoy it, maybe it was just the Star Trek label, along with seeing a NCC-1701 prominently painted on top of the hull of the “updated Enterprise.” What ever it was, I enjoyed it.
A full review later.
Star Trek
I will be watching Star Trek in 1 hour and 37 minutes.
I love the song almost heaven
I admit it, I like John Denver.
John Huntsman supports civil unions
Govenor John Huntsman supports civil unions! Finally Utah has a leader who supports rational civil rights. I feel good for voting for him.