On the train
Selfie 2-27-14
So last year I came up with this idea of filming 5 seconds a day. It didn’t really take off. I neglected it after 2 weeks. I would like to try again in 2014. Also to up the ante I think I’m going to do a one selfie per day pic of myself. Why you ask? Because I’m beautiful.
All of this and more coming in 2014. Stay tuned.
Five Seconds A Day
I’m going to start a project where I record myself for 5 seconds each day and compile it into a continuous video. I’ve seen a couple folks do this, and I was inspired. I’m going to set a couple ground rules for my recordings here:
1. The recording must take place in the particular day, any time in the 24 hour period.
2. The recording does not need to include myself, but I do need to make the recording, or be somehow directly involved in the recording.
3. I must appear on the recording at least twice a week.
4. I must record at least 5 seconds. Recording more is not an issue, however I am going to expect to edit each clip to 5 seconds.
5. I may change my edits to less than 5 seconds.
6. I will make all raw video available publicly.
7. As a side project I will work to automate the automatic compilation of the video.
8. I can change any rule, except I need to record every day.
I will consider 1/21/2013 my start day as I have video of myself for that day, plus it aligns nicely with the beginning of Obama’s second term. Raw video will be saved here: http://vday.ximz.com I’ll start combining the video in the coming days when I’m ready to get fancy with my scripting fu.
I’m really looking forward to working on this project.
We’ve made it to 2013. This is the year where I turn 30, which I’m very lukewarm about. It could be worse, it could be 40.
Should I?
Should I put up the Obama 2012 sign? Will the people of Spanish Fork be influenced by their liberal neighbor? Stay tuned!
Romney Hypocracy?
You decide:
Doing Just Fine
As with all years, this year passed quicker than the last. Starla and Miles have been wonderful kids and Mandy is a wonderful wife. We leave this year humbled by the experience of Malinda (Mandy’s mom) who suffered a stroke early in 2011.
With each passing day I become all too familiar with the notion that life on this earth is not finite. I think now in terms of decades and not years when it comes to major milestones in life. I am very optimistic that the greatest days are ahead of me.
2012 or 2000
It is amazing how much similar Perry is to George W. Bush, both in his demeanor and his apparent thought processes.
Concern for the Senate
If you follow Utah politics you know that Jason Chaffetz has all but declared his candidacy for the US Senate. He would be going up against 7 term incumbent Orrin Hatch for the GOP nomination. I’m concerned about the possibility of a “Senator Chaffetz.” First off, I don’t think his strict tea party orthodoxy is what this nations needs. Secondly, I have a an issue with Chaffetz the politician. Ever since he was able to stage a coup in the 2008 Republican convention I have been very wary of him.
Chaffetz truly is a master politician, but he is not a master of conventional general elections. Chaffetz knows how to play Utah’s unique caucus system. In so doing he was almost able to win the nomination at the convention outright, without need for a primary. And in Utah, more often than not, when you win the Republican nomination, you win the general election.
By taking advantage of the caucus system Chaffetz is only accountable to the 1700 or so Republicans who are delegates to that convention. He has no interest in serving the greater needs of the people of Utah… because so few of those people participate in actually selecting him as a nominee. And unfortunately in Utah general elections are often a rubber stamp on the Republican parties caucus / primary process.
It is for this reason that I am seriously considering moving my party affiliation to Republican. I am sick and tired of being excluded from the political process in Utah. I may not be in line with the politics of Utah’s Republican party, but I do align with many of the political ideals of the people of Utah. My goal for 2012 is to be a delegate from my precinct. Which party? To be determined.