US Politics

Watching Newt

I am watching Fox News Sunday and good old Newt is ripping on the president.  While I don’t agree with many of his motives, he does bring up many valid points.  More evidence that the Republican party is very fractured.  I don’t think it matters who gets the GOP nomination, a Democrat will win in ’08.

Posted by Paul in Politics, US Politics

Salt Lake Mayor Rocky Anderson PWNS Sean Hannity

It was a messy, nasty debate.  At times I could barely stand to watch, because of the disorder.  However, through the whole debate we saw a couple constant themes appear:

Rocky Anderson:  Stuck to the facts, attacked the president based on his facts.

Sean Hannity:  Attacked Rocky Anderson, called to “Support the Troops.” and avoided defending the president.

I wasn’t really surprised by the tone of the debate, however, I think Hannity may have been surprised by the veracity of the crowd.  The crowd was surprisingly about equally divided between supporters and skeptics of the war in Iraq.

Posted by Paul

Utah’s Attorney General is full of shit.

I am happy to see that Utah’s attorney general, Mark Shurtleff is in line with the Republican hacks who believe things are going well in Iraq.  In a really useful speech the attorney general referred to Senate Majority leader as  “Hezbolla Harry.” He also compared Mayor Rocky Anderson to World War II traitors.  Thanks Mark Shurtleff for showing the close minded people of Utah that is it unpatriotic to see reality.  You know the bible says something like thou shalt not kill, but I guess God is just a weak minded idiot who would gladly surrender to terrorists.

Posted by Paul

US Politics get intereting.

It is awesome to see the government function now that Democrats are in power.  Alberto Gonzales looks like he is sinking, as his department has flat out lied about its political firings.  The senate also appears to be resuming the war debate, which is a very good thing!  I want to see an official date for withdrawal from Iraq.

Posted by Paul in US Politics, Utah Politics

Romney continues to flip flop.

Mitt Romney was on This Week giving a lenghty interview to George Stephanopoulos.  I really want to like Mitt, but this interview painfully highlighted what an opourtunist Romney is.  In the Business world opourtunists are rewarded, and I really think that is fine.  In the political world we tend to want politicians who have personal integrity in their beliefs.  Ronmney was supportive of abortion and gay rights in past senatorial campaigns.  In my heart of hears, and this is a large assumption, Romney took a position during his Senate campaign that was against is personal beliefs.  He did this because of clear political opourtunities for himself.  Romney is genuinely honest about his position now, but he wasn’t then.  He did as the businessmen do, take advantage of opourtunities.  This is why Romney has recently joined the NRA.  Romney: I so wanted to support you in at least a minor way, but I may pull you off of my short list.

Here is a conservative point of view.

Posted by Paul in Christianity, Media, Mormonism, Politics, US Politics

My 2008 Short List

Ok this list can change daily but here are my top 4 preferences for President in 08.

1. Barack Obama

2. John Edwards

3. Hillary Clinton

4. Chuck Hegel

5. Mitt Romney

You are probably asking, why is Mitt on the list.  Sure he is a cultural conservative, however he is not an Evangelical cultural conservative.  It would be very interesting to see how progressive a Mitt Romney presidency could be.

Chuck Hegel could leap frog Hillary Clinton on my list, but Chuck is still a long shot.  I think we have a very real chance that Hillary will be the next president, despite all the Bill Clinton naysayers.

It will be nice to have an actual leader in charge of the country.

Posted by Paul in Politics, US Politics

The tables have changed.

Do you remember about … 6 months ago?  All the Republicans talked about was having “straight up or down votes” in the senate.  Now baby Republican Bitch Mitch McConnel and his minority cronies have voted to cut off debate on the Iraq War Resolution.  Welcome to the world of hating up or down votes.

Posted by Paul in US Politics

Romney wears flip flops

Let me start off by saying that I kind of like Mitt Romney.  I think he is an ok leader who has skills that could make him an effective president.  If you have been following Mitt’s quest to be president you will note that there are an awful lot political positions that he is changing in an attempt to woo Republican voters.  A recent story in the Boston Globe highlighted Romney’s change on the gun control issue.  MITT:  Don’t let the republicans take your North Eastern progressive values away from you.  A truly moderate Republican would be a very good thing to have in the 2008 election.  Unfortunately Mitt and McCain seem to be swinging to the right.

I guess I’ll have to support Obama!

Posted by Paul in Politics, US Politics


Today we hit 3000 military deaths in Iraq.  Can someone tell me why they died?

Posted by Paul in Global Politics, Politics, US Politics

We are loosing in Iraq.

While I am not going to give him any kudos for saying this, the last person in America to thing that the war was going well changed his mind.  George W. Bush said yesterday in an interview with the Washington post that we are not winning in Iraq.

Posted by Paul in Global Politics, Politics, US Politics