Global Politics

War Crimes

This week we saw a “united” Republican party give the OK to Bush to torture detainees. A portion of this bill reportedly immunizes Bush and Cheney from being prosecuted as war criminals for past offenses. What is going on here ladies and gentleman? Do we have a monarch who is above the law? Is this still America? Are we still free? Does the constitution apply? How can we grant all of these powers to one man? I think we need to rejuvenate democracy in the United States first before we spread this mess around the Middle East. Democracy is threatened by this administration. The rule of law needs to be fairly applied to all.

Posted by Paul in Global Politics, Political Scandal, Politics, US Politics

War in Lebanon

War is never a good thing. However, I do feel a certain level of support for Israel in this conflict. While it is clear to me personally that Israel is just in their conflict with Hezbolla, Israel should be cautious with their actions.

Posted by Paul in Global Politics, Politics

Some American Marines are Baby Killers

Is this how we conduct our just war:

Survivors say furious Marines rampaged through a quiet street, bursting into homes and gunning down Iraqi civilians -   including children, women and an old man in a wheelchair. Their account appears to match details emerging from a military investigation into the 24 Iraqi civilians killed under disputed circumstances the morning of Nov 19.

Shame on us.  This shames us all.

Posted by Paul in Global Politics, Political Scandal

US to talk with Iran

Wow.  In a very realist move, the United States is suggesting that it is willing to have diplomatic talks with Iran.  The US has not had diplomatic relations with Iran since 1979.  Now Bush’s administration is realizing that they simply have no other options.  We are bogged down in Iraq and our credibility on the world stage is suspect.  While I don’t often agree with Bush, I am happy to see this responsible move.  I hope for our sake that we will be able to talk with Iran.  I fear that because of our actions in the Middle East, such talks may be useless.

Posted by Paul in Global Politics, Politics, US Politics