
Democrats in congress: IT IS TIME TO LEAVE IRAQ.

Democrats and progressive Republicans need to heed the clear intent of the American public by ceasing funding of the war.  Over 2/3 of Americans disagree with continuing the war.  Democrats need to stall, fight, and quit anything that provides any power for Bush to continue the war.

Posted by Paul in Global Politics, US Politics

I want to upgrade.

It has been a while since I have upgraded my computer and I feel like the time is right — right now.  I have been wanting to go to an intel core 2 duo processor for quite some time.  The price for the Intel E6600 is about $220. It just seems like the time is right.  However, I have plenty of computing power and I don’t really need to upgrade.  What should I do?

Posted by Paul in Computers

Back at work.

I just had a long weekend of virtual work with painting some walls in my house.  Now I am back to the day job.  Check out my video rant:

Click Here


Posted by Paul in Labor, Saturday

Watching Newt

I am watching Fox News Sunday and good old Newt is ripping on the president.  While I don’t agree with many of his motives, he does bring up many valid points.  More evidence that the Republican party is very fractured.  I don’t think it matters who gets the GOP nomination, a Democrat will win in ’08.

Posted by Paul in Politics, US Politics

Ubuntu is my friend.

I got a new laptop at work and I was not enjoying my experience.  The machine had Windows Vista Business installed, which I have had some luck with in the past.  Not this time.  The XPS M 1210 did not like Vista, but it seems to like Feisty Fawn, ubuntu.

Posted by Paul in Linux

Salt Lake Mayor Rocky Anderson PWNS Sean Hannity

It was a messy, nasty debate.  At times I could barely stand to watch, because of the disorder.  However, through the whole debate we saw a couple constant themes appear:

Rocky Anderson:  Stuck to the facts, attacked the president based on his facts.

Sean Hannity:  Attacked Rocky Anderson, called to “Support the Troops.” and avoided defending the president.

I wasn’t really surprised by the tone of the debate, however, I think Hannity may have been surprised by the veracity of the crowd.  The crowd was surprisingly about equally divided between supporters and skeptics of the war in Iraq.

Posted by Paul

The Mormons — PBS Frotline / American Experience

Tonight the wife and I watched part one of “The Mormons,” a PBS documentary about the history of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  It was a fairly interesting 2 hours that appeared to try to honestly be fair and balanced.  My great question is what did actual mormons think about this documentary?

Posted by Paul

Utah’s Attorney General is full of shit.

I am happy to see that Utah’s attorney general, Mark Shurtleff is in line with the Republican hacks who believe things are going well in Iraq.  In a really useful speech the attorney general referred to Senate Majority leader as  “Hezbolla Harry.” He also compared Mayor Rocky Anderson to World War II traitors.  Thanks Mark Shurtleff for showing the close minded people of Utah that is it unpatriotic to see reality.  You know the bible says something like thou shalt not kill, but I guess God is just a weak minded idiot who would gladly surrender to terrorists.

Posted by Paul

Today is the greatest day.

Have you ever noticed that Saturday is always much better than the rest of those days on the week.  Saturday is a day truly dedicated to the individual that lives that day.  Gone are the burdens of work (for the most part).  Come to stay, for the day, are the joys of doing something that you want.  It is 7:45 in beautiful South Jordan and I am ready to take the day the same way I take my medicine, with a humble heart and a contrite spirit.

Today is date night with Mandy.  I love Mandy!

Posted by Paul in Labor, Saturday

This weekend.

Well another week is behind me.  I am so glad is it over.  Everything was going very well this week and then today came and it was just too much.  I want to go see Blades of Glory with the wife and friends tomorrow.  And it is conference weekend which for a Jack-Mormon like me means I don’t have to feel bad about not going to church :-).

Posted by Paul in Mormonism