
Romney is out… finally. Obama wins in Utah

Cry your tears Utahns.  Flip-flopper Romney is finally out of the race.  I am not surprised.  I am surprised to see how quickly the local Republicans are trying to spin support towards McCain.  It is almost as if the local Utah Republicans like Garry Herbert are afraid that Utahns may actually vote Democratic this year.

On a much more promising note, Barack Obama won in my home state on Tuesday.  Good times!

Posted by Paul in Politics, US Politics, Utah Politics

Primaries and Caucuses

Romney appears to have won in Nevada this morning.  I am hoping Obama will do the same for the Democrats in Nevada.  Tonight we will see what the good old boys in the south have to say about the Grand Old Party’s candidates.

Posted by Paul in Politics, US Politics

I’m Out

I resigned from my current job this week.  🙂

Posted by Paul in Labor

Barack Obama Wins, oh HELL YEAH!

I am so happy for last night’s victory in Iowa.  FINALLY we see the youth turn out to an election.  FINALLY we have a candidate who is legitimately fighting for change, who will reunite our country, and bring back our progressive sense of hope.  I am so proud of the folks in Iowa who are beginning the transformation of our country.

Posted by Paul in Politics, US Politics

Romney on Meet the Press

Romney started off the interview very well.  The beginning of the Russert grilling was focused exclusively on Religion.  Romney did a very good job of setting a context of religious people and their interaction with Government.  Romney addressed the “Freedom requires Religion” argument well by suggesting that freedom require moral individuals.  It was a bit of a stretch from what he said before, but it was a dialog that I thought was appropriate.

Next on to Abortion.  Here is where the flip flops began.  Romney became very uncomfortable, and began using very complex descriptions to talk his way out of changing his mind.  His policy beliefs on Stem cell were somewhat more straightforward. 

Next, gun control, a careful bit of dancing and spin by Romney.  He did a better job of dancing, but was ultimately uncomfortable.

Next on to illegal immigration.  Russert brought up some statements by Romney showing strongly implied support for the Bush / McCain comprehensive immigration reform proposals.  Romney began dancing away from his support of this position.  Instead of focusing on his exact beliefs and policy decisions on illegal immigration he started to focus on employment verification.  That is all good and dandy, but it is very wishy washy.

Towards the end of the interview Russert pulled out the full flip flop smack down.  Abortion, gay rights, health care, gun rights, ect.  Russert asked a very telling question:  Would you be elected Governor of Massachusetts with your policy beliefs today?  We all know damn well that the answer is a huge NO!   

Ultimately Romney did not end as strong as he started.  I think the net effect of this interview is zero.

Posted by Paul in Politics, US Politics, Utah Politics

Huckabee — WTF?

If you have been following the 2008 primary elections you undoubtedly have witnessed the meteoric rise of Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee.  From seemingly nowhere he has risen to the top of the polls.  The why:  He is the only Republican who conservatives can get behind.  He is not fatally flawed like Guiliani (Social Liberal), McCain (To George W Bushy), Thompson (too dumb), Romney (flip flopping Mormon), or Ron Paul (just too damn cool). 

 Regardless of all of this Barack Obama will be the next president of the USA.  Why Obama?  He is the only candidate who truly represents change.  He is new on the Washington scene.  He truly can move our country to be a more perfect, more united union.

Posted by Paul in Politics, US Politics

United States o’ Utah

This morning I learned about details of Governor John Huntsman’s budget and I was very happy.  No tax cuts, increased spending on education and health care, and increased focus on fighting global climate change.  Once again I am praising my Republican Governor.  What planet am I on?

Posted by Paul in Politics, Utah Politics

Climate Change – My Governor Gets It

In an almost unprecedented two posts in a row I am congratulating political actions in Utah.  Governor Huntsman appeared in an ad with Arnold Schwarzenegger and Montana’s Governor discussing the need for action on Climate change.  This is good stuff.

Posted by Paul

Vouchers Loose, For Once I agree with the People of Utah

I am very happy to see the defeat of school vouchers.   I see it as a way to prohibit the privatization of education in our State.  I strongly believe in the ability of the public schools in Utah to educate our children.  Key to the success of public or private schools is the involvement of a child’s parents.  It is for that reason that the Utah public schools are able to achieve so much from while being so poorly funded.

I found this excerpt from Wednesday’s Salt Lake Tribune interesting:

Voucher supporter chief executive Patrick Byrne – who bankrolled the voucher effort – called the referendum a “statewide IQ test” that Utahns failed.
“They don’t care enough about their kids. They care an awful lot about this system, this bureaucracy, but they don’t care enough about their kids to think outside the box,” Byrne said.

I say this to Mr. Byrne: The people of Utah care deeply about their kids.  As a member of the majority of the state who does not support vouchers I can honestly say that I voted that way because I care deeply about my child.  I want my daughter to go to the highest quality public school.  If for some reason I feel compelled to place my daughter in private school I am willing to do so of my own expense, without asking a cashed strapped system for some sort of welfare check.  Mr Byrne: show me compelling evidence that the people of this state don’t care about their children.

Posted by Paul in Politics, Utah Politics